# FullSWOF-utils ## Description The _FullSWOF-utils_ package provides pre-processing utility programs for use with the [FullSWOF](https://www.idpoisson.fr/fullswof/) shallow water solver. The governing system of equations (also known as the Saint-Venant equations) require boundary conditions specifying the flow into the domain and the surface elevation at the outlet. The programs provided by _FullSWOF-utils_ allow fine-grained control of the flow at inlet and outlet boundaries. Boundary condition files are generated in the format required by the _FullSWOF_ solver. ## Installation A convenient method to install _FullSWOF-utils_ is to clone the online repository. On systems that have the _git_ version control system installed the "_git clone_" command will create a new directory with the complete set of files. To complete the installation the user need only issue the "make" command from within the newly created directory. This command builds the documentation in _info_ and _HTML_ formats. The _makeinfo_ program, which is part of the [Texinfo](https://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/) package, is a pre-requisite for this step. ## Requirements The _FullSWOF-utils_ programs are writtem in the _Python_ programming language. The programs depend on two extra Python packages: 1. [Matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/) and 2. [Numpy](https://numpy.org/) ## Documentation After installation, the _FullSWOF-utils_ documentation may be accessed in _info_ format or _html_ format. The _info_ version may be read using either the _info_ standalone reader or the _Emacs_ text editor. The _html_ version may be read using a web browser. The _.info_ file is located in the _doc_ directory. The _html_ files are located in the _manual_ directory. There are two _html_ options. The file _fullswof-utils.html_ contains the full documentation on one page. The file _html_node/index.html_ provides links to individual pages, with one page for each node.