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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/makeBoundary.py b/makeBoundary.py
index 21b1113..a85062d 100755
--- a/makeBoundary.py
+++ b/makeBoundary.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ definition_dict = read_definition('boundaryDefinition.txt')
slope = abs(definition_dict["slope"]) # slope at top boundary
target_flow = definition_dict["target_flow"] # imposed discharge
location = definition_dict["location"] # boundary location
with open('../topography/top_boundary.xyz', "r") as topo:
xin, yin, zin = np.loadtxt(topo, delimiter=' ', unpack=True)
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ numH = 50 # number of height intervals
n_co_chan = 0.035 # Manning's coefficient for inland water
n_co_west = 0.040 # Manning's coefficient for general surface
n_co_east = 0.040 # Manning's coefficient for general surface
+# TODO: use weighted mean 'n' value. See http://help.floodmodeller.com/isis/ISIS/River_Section.htm (Eq. 4)
+# Note: weighted mean calculation requires roughness map.
def conveyance(numH, n_co, xregion, zregion, zmin, zmax):
p_i = [] # wetted perimeter
A_i = [] # area