path: root/pyfrm2xdmf
diff options
authorPaul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com>2016-03-30 21:09:09 +0100
committerPaul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com>2016-03-30 21:09:09 +0100
commit98f3ba8550c198e15b2f59da70e8b2bb2a766dbe (patch)
tree5be41d0d92e3b584d56863e6d3c15ad2901e80bf /pyfrm2xdmf
parenta717ac2fa9380888b68ca4997829903638292d66 (diff)
pyfrm2xdmf: include third, fourth, fifth and sixth order elements
Diffstat (limited to 'pyfrm2xdmf')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/pyfrm2xdmf b/pyfrm2xdmf
index 93dd9d3..1a47fd6 100755
--- a/pyfrm2xdmf
+++ b/pyfrm2xdmf
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ def meshFile(param):
global base
base, ext = os.path.splitext(param)
if ext.lower() != '.pyfrm':
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Mesh file must have a .pyfrm extension')
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Mesh file must have a .pyfrm '
+ 'extension')
if not os.path.exists(param):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{} not found".format(param))
return param
@@ -22,13 +23,15 @@ def writeHeader(xdmfFile):
"write XDMF header"
xdmfFile.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')
xdmfFile.write('<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>\n')
- xdmfFile.write('<Xdmf xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude" Version="2.2">\n')
+ xdmfFile.write('<Xdmf xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude"')
+ xdmfFile.write(' Version="2.2">\n')
xdmfFile.write(' <Domain>\n')
def writeTopology(xdmfFile, tType, nCells, connFile):
"write Topology element"
- xdmfFile.write(' <Topology TopologyType="{}" NumberOfElements="{}">\n'.format(tType, nCells))
+ xdmfFile.write(' <Topology TopologyType="{}"'.format(tType))
+ xdmfFile.write(' NumberOfElements="{}">\n'.format(nCells))
xdmfFile.write(' <xi:include href="{}"/>\n'.format(connFile))
xdmfFile.write(' </Topology>\n')
@@ -36,14 +39,22 @@ def writeTopology(xdmfFile, tType, nCells, connFile):
def writeGeometry(xdmfFile, nDims, nCells, nodeArray, pyfrm, dataset):
"write Geometry element"
nVerts = len(nodeArray)
+ # co-ordinates in separate arrays
if nDims == 2:
- xdmfFile.write(' <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y">\n') # co-ordinates in separate arrays
+ xdmfFile.write(' <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y">\n')
- xdmfFile.write(' <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y_Z">\n') # co-ordinates in separate arrays
+ xdmfFile.write(' <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y_Z">\n')
for coord in range(nDims):
- xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem ItemType="Function" Dimensions="{}"\n'.format(nVerts*nCells)) # 1D-array
- xdmfFile.write(' Function="JOIN({})">\n'.format(' ; '.join("$" + str(k) for k in range(nVerts))))
- writeHyperSlab(xdmfFile, coord, nDims, nCells, nodeArray, pyfrm, dataset)
+ xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem ItemType="Function"')
+ # 1D-array
+ xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions="{}"\n'.format(nVerts*nCells))
+ xdmfFile.write(' Function="JOIN({})">\n'.format(
+ ' ; '.join( "$" + str(k) for k in range(nVerts))))
+ writeHyperSlab(
+ xdmfFile,
+ coord, nDims, nCells,
+ nodeArray, pyfrm, dataset)
xdmfFile.write(' </DataItem>\n')
xdmfFile.write(' </Geometry>\n')
@@ -55,16 +66,21 @@ def writeHyperSlab(xdmfFile, coord, nDims, nCells, nodeArray, pyfrm, dataset):
xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem ItemType="HyperSlab"\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions="{} 1 1"\n'.format(nCells))
xdmfFile.write(' Type="HyperSlab">\n')
- xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem\n') # start, stride and count of hyperslab region
+ # start, stride and count of hyperslab region
+ xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions="3 3"\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Format="XML">\n')
- xdmfFile.write(' {:<3} 0 {}\n'.format(vert, coord)) # select vertex and co-ordinate (format is vertex, cell, co-ordinate)
- xdmfFile.write(' 1 1 1\n') # select every cell, for this vertex and co-ordinate
- xdmfFile.write(' 1 {} 1\n'.format(nCells)) # loop over cells
+ # select vertex and co-ordinate (format is vertex, cell, co-ordinate)
+ xdmfFile.write(' {:<3} 0 {}\n'.format(vert, coord))
+ # select every cell, for this vertex and co-ordinate
+ xdmfFile.write(' 1 1 1\n')
+ # loop over cells
+ xdmfFile.write(' 1 {} 1\n'.format(nCells))
xdmfFile.write(' </DataItem>\n')
xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Name="Points" \n')
- xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions="{} {} {}"\n'.format(nVerts, nCells, nDims))
+ xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions=')
+ xdmfFile.write('"{} {} {}"\n'.format(nVerts, nCells, nDims))
xdmfFile.write(' Format="HDF">\n')
xdmfFile.write(' {}:/{}\n'.format(pyfrm, dataset))
xdmfFile.write(' </DataItem>\n')
@@ -77,7 +93,8 @@ def writeAttribute(xdmfFile, tag):
xdmfFile.write(' <DataItem\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Dimensions="1"\n')
xdmfFile.write(' Format="XML">\n')
- xdmfFile.write(' {}\n'.format(tag)) # tag with partition number
+ # tag with partition number
+ xdmfFile.write(' {}\n'.format(tag))
xdmfFile.write(' </DataItem>\n')
xdmfFile.write(' </Attribute>\n')
@@ -88,13 +105,13 @@ def writeConnectivities(connFile, nCells, nVerts):
cf.write('<DataItem DataType="Int"\n')
cf.write(' Dimensions="{} {}"\n'.format(nCells, nVerts))
cf.write(' Format="XML">\n')
for i in range (0, nCells):
cf.write(' ')
for j in range(nVerts):
cf.write(' ' + repr(j*nCells+i).ljust(1))
print('connectivities written to ' + connFile)
@@ -108,21 +125,29 @@ def writeFooter(xdmfFile):
def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
"read output from 'h5ls' command"
- tet4, tet10, tet20, tet35, tet56, tet84 = ({} for i in range(6)) # tet cells
- pri6, pri18, pri40, pri75, pri126, pri196 = ({} for i in range(6)) # pri cells
- pyr5, pyr14, pyr30, pyr55, pyr91, pyr140 = ({} for i in range(6)) # pyr cells
- hex8, hex27, hex64, hex125, hex216 = ({} for i in range(5)) # hex cells
- tri3, tri6, tri10, tri15, tri21 = ({} for i in range(5)) # tri cells
- quad4, quad9, quad16, quad25, quad36 = ({} for i in range(5)) # quad cells
+ # tetrahedral cells (first order to sixth order)
+ tet4, tet10, tet20, tet35, tet56, tet84 = ({} for i in range(6))
+ # prism cells
+ pri6, pri18, pri40, pri75, pri126, pri196 = ({} for i in range(6))
+ # pyramid cells
+ pyr5, pyr14, pyr30, pyr55, pyr91, pyr140 = ({} for i in range(6))
+ # hexahedral cells (first order to fifth order)
+ hex8, hex27, hex64, hex125, hex216 = ({} for i in range(5))
+ # triangular cells
+ tri3, tri6, tri10, tri15, tri21 = ({} for i in range(5))
+ # quadrilateral cells
+ quad4, quad9, quad16, quad25, quad36 = ({} for i in range(5))
for line in os_output.splitlines():
- spt = re.search('spt', line.decode()) # restrict to 'spt' arrays
+ # restrict to 'spt' arrays
+ spt = re.search('spt', line.decode())
if spt:
chunk = line.decode().split()
partno = int(re.search('\d+', chunk[0]).group())
nnodes = int(re.search('(\d+),', line.decode()).group(1))
ncells = int(re.search(' (\d+),', line.decode()).group(1))
- if re.search('quad', line.decode()): # check whether cells are quadrilaterals
+ # check whether cells are quadrilaterals
+ if re.search('quad', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 4:
quad4[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 9:
@@ -135,7 +160,8 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
quad36[partno] = ncells
print("unknown cell order")
- elif re.search('tri', line.decode()): # check whether cells are triangles
+ # check whether cells are triangles
+ elif re.search('tri', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 3:
tri3[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 6:
@@ -148,7 +174,8 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
tri21[partno] = ncells
print("unknown cell order")
- elif re.search('hex', line.decode()): # check whether cells are hexahedrons
+ # check whether cells are hexahedrons
+ elif re.search('hex', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 8:
hex8[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 27:
@@ -161,7 +188,8 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
hex216[partno] = ncells
print("unknown cell order")
- elif re.search('pyr', line.decode()): # check whether cells are pyramids
+ # check whether cells are pyramids
+ elif re.search('pyr', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 5:
pyr5[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 14:
@@ -176,7 +204,8 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
pyr140[partno] = ncells
print("unknown cell order")
- elif re.search('pri', line.decode()): # check whether cells are prisms
+ # check whether cells are prisms
+ elif re.search('pri', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 6:
pri6[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 18:
@@ -191,7 +220,8 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
pri196[partno] = ncells
print("unknown cell order")
- elif re.search('tet', line.decode()): # check whether cells are tetrahedrons
+ # check whether cells are tetrahedrons
+ elif re.search('tet', line.decode()):
if nnodes == 4:
tet4[partno] = ncells
elif nnodes == 10:
@@ -210,27 +240,26 @@ def readH5lsOutput(os_output):
print("unknown cell type")
- return (tet4, tet10, tet20, tet35, tet56, tet84,
- pri6, pri18, pri40, pri75, pri126, pri196,
- pyr5, pyr14, pyr30, pyr55, pyr91, pyr140,
- hex8, hex27, hex64, hex125, hex216,
- tri3, tri6, tri10, tri15, tri21,
- quad4, quad9, quad16, quad25, quad36)
+ # list of cell dictionaries
+ cellDictList = [tet4, tet10, tet20, tet35, tet56, tet84,
+ pri6, pri18, pri40, pri75, pri126, pri196,
+ pyr5, pyr14, pyr30, pyr55, pyr91, pyr140,
+ hex8, hex27, hex64, hex125, hex216,
+ tri3, tri6, tri10, tri15, tri21,
+ quad4, quad9, quad16, quad25, quad36]
+ return cellDictList
# read command line arguments
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="extract connectivities from mesh file")
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="extract connectivities from mesh file"
+ ": write xdmf file")
parser.add_argument("mesh", help="mesh file (.pyfrm)", type=meshFile)
args = parser.parse_args()
# use 'h5ls' command to provide array dimensions
h5lsOutput = check_output(["h5ls", args.mesh])
-(ntet4, ntet10, ntet20, ntet35, ntet56, ntet84,
-npri6, npri18, npri40, npri75, npri126, npri196,
-npyr5, npyr14, npyr30, npyr55, npyr91, npyr140,
-nhex8, nhex27, nhex64, nhex125, nhex216,
-ntri3, ntri6, ntri10, ntri15, ntri21,
-nquad4, nquad9, nquad16, nquad25, nquad36) = readH5lsOutput(h5lsOutput)
+partitions = readH5lsOutput(h5lsOutput)
# cell types
firstOrderCellType = ['tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet',
@@ -239,87 +268,107 @@ firstOrderCellType = ['tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet', 'tet',
'hex', 'hex', 'hex', 'hex', 'hex',
'tri', 'tri', 'tri', 'tri', 'tri',
'quad', 'quad', 'quad', 'quad', 'quad']
-ndims = {'quad': 2, 'tri': 2, 'hex': 3, 'pyr': 3, 'pri': 3, 'tet':3}
-xdmfTopologyType = {'quad': 'Quadrilateral', 'tri': 'Triangle', 'hex': 'Hexahedron',
- 'pyr' : 'Pyramid', 'pri': 'Wedge', 'tet': 'Tetrahedron'}
+xdmfTopologyType = {'quad': 'Quadrilateral', 'tri': 'Triangle',
+ 'hex' : 'Hexahedron', 'pyr': 'Pyramid',
+ 'pri' : 'Wedge', 'tet': 'Tetrahedron'}
+ndims = {'quad': 2, 'tri': 2,
+ 'hex' : 3, 'pyr': 3, 'pri': 3, 'tet': 3}
-# node identification (see pyfr/readers/nodemaps.py): reduces high-order cells to first order
-# example, for second-order pyramid:
+# node identification: reduces high-order cells to first order
+# (see pyfr/readers/nodemaps.py)
+# Example, for second-order pyramids having 14 solution points and 5 vertices:
# >>> from pyfr.readers.nodemaps import GmshNodeMaps
# >>> [GmshNodeMaps.to_pyfr['pyr', 14][i] for i in range(5)]
nodeIDs = {}
-nodeIDs[29] = [0, 2, 8, 6] # quad9
-nodeIDs[28] = [0, 1, 3, 2] # quad4
-nodeIDs[24] = [0, 2, 5] # tri6
-nodeIDs[23] = [0, 1, 2] # tri3
-nodeIDs[19] = [0, 2, 8, 6, 18, 20, 26, 24] # hex27
-nodeIDs[18] = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6] # hex8
-nodeIDs[13] = [0, 2, 8, 6, 13] # pyr14
-nodeIDs[12] = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4] # pyr5
-nodeIDs[7] = [0, 2, 5, 12, 14, 17] # pri18
-nodeIDs[6] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # pri6
-nodeIDs[1] = [0, 2, 5, 9] # tet10
-nodeIDs[0] = [0, 1, 2, 3] # tet4
+nodeIDs[0] = [0, 1, 2, 3] # tet4
+nodeIDs[1] = [0, 2, 5, 9] # tet10
+nodeIDs[2] = [0, 3, 9, 19] # tet20
+nodeIDs[3] = [0, 4, 14, 34] # tet35
+nodeIDs[4] = [0, 5, 20, 55] # tet56
+nodeIDs[5] = [0, 6, 27, 83] # tet84
+nodeIDs[6] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # pri6
+nodeIDs[7] = [0, 2, 5, 12, 14, 17] # pri18
+nodeIDs[8] = [0, 3, 9, 30, 33, 39] # pri40
+nodeIDs[9] = [0, 4, 14, 60, 64, 74] # pri75
+nodeIDs[10] = [0, 5, 20, 105, 110, 125] # pri126
+nodeIDs[11] = [0, 6, 27, 168, 174, 195] # pri196
+nodeIDs[12] = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4] # pyr5
+nodeIDs[13] = [0, 2, 8, 6, 13] # pyr14
+nodeIDs[14] = [0, 3, 15, 12, 29] # pyr30
+nodeIDs[15] = [0, 4, 24, 20, 54] # pyr55
+nodeIDs[16] = [0, 5, 35, 30, 90] # pyr91
+nodeIDs[17] = [0, 6, 48, 42, 139] # pyr140
+nodeIDs[18] = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6] # hex8
+nodeIDs[19] = [0, 2, 8, 6, 18, 20, 26, 24] # hex27
+nodeIDs[20] = [0, 3, 15, 12, 48, 51, 63, 60] # hex64
+nodeIDs[21] = [0, 4, 24, 20, 100, 104, 124, 120] # hex125
+nodeIDs[22] = [0, 5, 35, 30, 180, 185, 215, 210] # hex216
+nodeIDs[23] = [0, 1, 2] # tri3
+nodeIDs[24] = [0, 2, 5] # tri6
+nodeIDs[25] = [0, 3, 9] # tri10
+nodeIDs[26] = [0, 4, 14] # tri15
+nodeIDs[27] = [0, 5, 20] # tri21
+nodeIDs[28] = [0, 1, 3, 2] # quad4
+nodeIDs[29] = [0, 2, 8, 6] # quad9
+nodeIDs[30] = [0, 3, 15, 12] # quad16
+nodeIDs[31] = [0, 4, 24, 20] # quad25
+nodeIDs[32] = [0, 5, 35, 30] # quad36
+# number of supported cell types
+numCellTypes = len(partitions)
# keys are partition numbers
-tet4Keys = list(ntet4.keys())
-tet10Keys = list(ntet10.keys())
-pri6Keys = list(npri6.keys())
-pri18Keys = list(npri18.keys())
-pyr5Keys = list(npyr5.keys())
-pyr14Keys = list(npyr14.keys())
-hex8Keys = list(nhex8.keys())
-hex27Keys = list(nhex27.keys())
-tri3Keys = list(ntri3.keys())
-tri6Keys = list(ntri6.keys())
-quad4Keys = list(nquad4.keys())
-quad9Keys = list(nquad9.keys())
-# concatenate keys
-allKeys = (tet4Keys + tet10Keys +
- pri6Keys + pri18Keys +
- pyr5Keys + pyr14Keys +
- hex8Keys + hex27Keys +
- tri3Keys + tri6Keys +
- quad4Keys + quad9Keys)
+allKeys = []
+for cd in partitions:
+ allKeys += list(cd.keys())
# number of types present in each partition
-numTypes = Counter(allKeys)
+numTypes = Counter(allKeys)
# list of partition keys
-partKeys = list(numTypes.keys())
-# list of cell dictionaries
-partitions = [ntet4, ntet10, ntet20, ntet35, ntet56, ntet84,
- npri6, npri18, npri40, npri75, npri126, npri196,
- npyr5, npyr14, npyr30, npyr55, npyr91, npyr140,
- nhex8, nhex27, nhex64, nhex125, nhex216,
- ntri3, ntri6, ntri10, ntri15, ntri21,
- nquad4, nquad9, nquad16, nquad25, nquad36]
-numCellTypes = len(partitions)
+partKeys = list(numTypes.keys())
if partKeys:
# write files
g = open(os.path.join(base + '.xdmf'), 'w')
for part in partKeys:
- g.write(' <Grid Name="Partition{}" GridType="Collection">\n'.format(part))
+ g.write(
+ ' <Grid Name="Partition{}" GridType="Collection">\n'.format(part))
+ # step through all supported cell types
for cellType in range(numCellTypes):
- if part in partitions[cellType]: # check whether these cells exist in this partition
- xfname = os.path.join('con_' + firstOrderCellType[cellType] + '_p' + str(part) + '.xml')
- dname = os.path.join('spt_' + firstOrderCellType[cellType] + '_p' + str(part))
- g.write(' <Grid Name="{}s[{}]" GridType="Uniform">\n'.format(xdmfTopologyType[firstOrderCellType[cellType]], part))
- writeTopology(g, xdmfTopologyType[firstOrderCellType[cellType]],
- partitions[cellType][part], xfname)
- writeGeometry(g, ndims[firstOrderCellType[cellType]],
- partitions[cellType][part],
- nodeIDs[cellType],
- args.mesh, dname)
+ # check whether these cells exist in this partition
+ if part in partitions[cellType]:
+ idname = firstOrderCellType[cellType] + '_p' + str(part)
+ xfname = os.path.join('con_' + idname + '.xml')
+ dname = os.path.join('spt_' + idname)
+ g.write(
+ ' <Grid Name="{}s[{}]" GridType="Uniform">\n'.format(
+ xdmfTopologyType[firstOrderCellType[cellType]],
+ part))
+ writeTopology(
+ g,
+ xdmfTopologyType[firstOrderCellType[cellType]],
+ partitions[cellType][part],
+ xfname)
+ writeGeometry(
+ g,
+ ndims[firstOrderCellType[cellType]],
+ partitions[cellType][part],
+ nodeIDs[cellType],
+ args.mesh,
+ dname)
writeAttribute(g, part)
g.write(' </Grid>\n')
# connectivities file
- writeConnectivities(xfname, partitions[cellType][part],
- len(nodeIDs[cellType]))
+ writeConnectivities(
+ xfname,
+ partitions[cellType][part],
+ len(nodeIDs[cellType]))
g.write(' </Grid>\n')
- print("mesh does not contain any supported cell types")
+ print("no supported cell types")